On this day in 1959, the 10 year old squirrel monkey Baker and the rhesus monkey Abel went into space aboard a US Jupiter rocket. The first primates in sub-orbital flight returned to earth unharmed. Abel died three days later due to anesthesia during an operation to remove an electrode. Baker survived for a further 17 years.
The Moon occulted Saturn on 22 may 2007 This video shows the emersion, as seen from Faenza (Italy)
La Luna ha occultato Saturno il 22 maggio 2007. Questo video mostra l'emersione. Video ripreso da Faenza (RA) insieme al Gruppo Astrofili Faentino G.B. Lacchini http://www.racine.ra.it/astrofaenza
Celestron C14 + Philips Vesta web cam + Qastrocam on a laptop running Linux
Universal time of Disappearance and reappearance Occultation Predictions of Saturn Magnitude 0.5 Date 2007 May 22 (Tuesday) Moon: % illumination 39+, solar elongation 78
Disappearance U.T. Sun Moon CA PA WA a b Location h m s Alt Alt Az o o o m/o m/o Glasgow Scotland18 58 24 11 48 207 57S 141 125 +0.7 -1.9
Reappearance U.T. Sun Moon CA PA WA a b Location h m s Alt Alt Az o o o m/o m/o Glasgow Scotland20 6 28 2 42 229 -84S 282 265 +1.0 -1.5
The Moon will eclipse the planet Saturn at 21:31 tonight, offering a rare astronomical sight in Hungary. The Hungarian Astronomy Society will host an event entitled the "Night of Saturn" at Budapest's Polaris Observatory to honour the occasion, where visitors will have the chance to view the phenomenon through a high-performance telescope.
20:00 A Szaturnusz éjszakája (rendkívüli nyitvatartás) Égi kísérnk május 22-én, kedden este elfedi a gyrs bolygót. A jelenség eleje szabad szemmel is könnyen megfigyelhet. Source
This week will be especially interesting for skywatchers because of a fine array of bright planets in our evening sky. In fact, four of the five bright naked-eye planets are now readily visible beginning about 45 minutes after sundown.
Three days after the New Moon, the crescent is very thin. Because the Moon is still close to the Sun after 3 days, the 3-day Moon is only visible around sunset. The lightness of the skt at that time and the thinness of the crescent, along with the fact that you also need a clear sky, means that the 3-day Moon is rarely noticed. This video was captured in the North of England on 18 May 2007 at around 20.30 UT.