Super Starburst Galaxy Astronomers have uncovered an extreme stellar machine -- a galaxy in the very remote universe pumping out stars at a surprising rate of up to 4,000 per year. In comparison, our own Milky Way galaxy turns out an average of just 10 stars per year. The discovery, made possible by se...
NGC 5427 & NGC 5426
In what appears to be a masterful illusion, astronomers at Gemini Observatory have imaged two nearly identical spiral galaxies in Virgo, 90 million light years distant, in the early stages of a gentle gravitational embrace. The new image was obtained at the Gemini South telescope in Chile using GM...
Seyfert galaxies
Title: The Seyfert galaxies in the local Universe: from BeppoSAX to Simbol-X Authors: Mauro Dadina The operational conditions found by BeppoSAX in observing nearby (z <= 0.1) Seyferts were reproduced for Simbol -X in order to simulate a realistic final database of the mission. The results in...
Abell 2204
Title: Suzaku, Chandra, and XMM-Newton Analysis of Abell 2204: The Galaxy Cluster Gas Temperature Profile from 10 kpc to 1800 kpc Authors: T. H. Reiprich, D. S. Hudson, Y.-Y. Zhang, K. Sato, Y. Ishisaki, A. Hoshino, T. Ohashi, N. Ota, Y. Fujita Context: Measurements of intracluster gas temperatur...
Large Scale Cosmic-Ray Anisotropy
Title: The Large Scale Cosmic-Ray Anisotropy as Observed with Milagro Authors: A. A. Abdo, B. T. Allen, T. Aune, D. Berley, S. Casanova, C. Chen, B. L. Dingus, R. W. Ellsworth, L. Fleysher, R. Fleysher, M. M. Gonzalez, J. A. Goodman, C. M. Hoffman, B. Hopper, P. H. Hüntemeyer, B. E. Kolterman, C. P. Lan...
3C 353
Title: Inverse-Compton emission from the lobes of 3C 353 Authors: J.L. Goodger, M.J. Hardcastle, J.H. Croston, N.E. Kassim, R.A. Perley X-ray emission due to inverse-Compton scattering of microwave background photons by electrons in the lobes of powerful radio galaxies has now been seen in a la...
Title: RXJ1648.7+6109: Witnessing the Formation of a Massive Group/Poor Cluster and its Brightest Galaxy Authors: T.E. Jeltema, J.S. Mulchaey, L.M. Lubin Using deep Chandra and optical spectroscopic observations, we investigate an intriguing, young massive group, RXJ1648.7+6109, at z=0....
Cosmic Neon
On Earth, neon is known for being flashy. Any Las Vegas tourist knows that signs sporting this noble gas are hard to miss, but in space this is not always true. Neon is the fifth most abundant element in the cosmos, but until recently, astronomers couldn't seem to get a precise measurement of it in the Un...
Compact Galaxies
Imagine receiving an announcement touting the birth of a baby 20 inches long and weighing 180 pounds. After reading this puzzling message, you would immediately think the baby's weight was a misprint. Astronomers looking at galaxies in the universe's distant past received a similar perplexing a...
Abell 901/902 supercluster.
Astronomers are using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope to dissect one of the largest structures in the universe as part of a quest to understand the violent lives of galaxies. Hubble is providing indirect evidence of unseen dark matter tugging on galaxies in the crowded, rough-and-tumble environme...
Phoenix Deep Survey
Title: The Phoenix Deep Survey: Extremely Red Galaxies and Cluster Candidates Authors: Anthony G. Smith (1), Andrew M. Hopkins (1), Richard W. Hunstead (1), Samuel J. Schmidt (2,3), José Afonso (4,5), Antonis E. Georgakakis (6), Lawrence E. Cram (7), Bahram Mobasher (8), Mark Sullivan (9) ((1) U...
Title: Theoretical interpretation of GRB060124: preliminary results Authors: Roberto Guida, Maria Grazia Bernardini, Carlo Luciano Bianco, Letizia Caito, Maria Giovanna Dainotti, Remo Ruffini We show the preliminary results of the application of our "fireshell" model to GRB06...
PSR J1701-3006B
Title: A puzzling millisecond pulsar companion in NGC 6266 Authors: G. Cocozza (1,2), F. R. Ferraro (2), A. Possenti (3), G. Beccari (2), B. Lanzoni (2), S. Ranson (4), R. T. Rood (5), N. D'Amico (3,6), ((1)Dip. di Astronomia Università di Bologna, (2) INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna,...
Title: Strong magnetic spiral pattern in a ringed galaxy NGC4736 Authors: Krzysztof T. Chyzy (Jagiell. Univ.), Ronald J. Buta (Univ. of Alabama) We present high sensitivity radio polarimetric (VLA) observations of a galaxy with strong orbital resonances - NGC4736. The total radio intensity at...
NGC 1530
Title: Where are the massive stars of the bar of NGC 1530 forming? Authors: A. Zurita (U. Granada), I. Perez (U. Groningen & U. Granada) Aims: NGC 1530 has one of the strongest bars ever observed and recent star formation sites are distributed across its bar. Our aim is to study the photometric pro...