213th American Astronomical Society meeting
NASA researchers will present new findings on a wide range of astrophysics topics during the 213th American Astronomical Society (AAS) meeting. The meeting runs from Sunday, Jan. 4, through Thursday, Jan. 8, at the Long Beach Convention & Entertainment Centre, 300 East Ocean Blvd., Long Bea...
2009's first sunrise
Clouds may obscure 2009's first sunrise Those tempted to get up early to catch the first sunrise of the new year may be disappointed as the thick clouds hovering above the nation may obscure the view, the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) said yesterday. [url=http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan...
December 2008
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Look to the southwest after sunset on Dec. 1 for a close conjunction between three bright solar system objects: the Moon, Venus, and Jupiter. If you have binoculars, you might even be able to fit all three of them in the field of view. Between now and then, you can see Jupiter and Venus getting closer tog...
Supernova 2008if
A magnitude 14.9 supernova, 2008if, was discovered by Pignata et al. (CHASE) on the 12th December, 2008, in the spiral galaxy MCG -01-24-10 in the constellation Hydra. The supernova is located 22".4 east and 17" north from the center of the galaxy. As yet the type is unknown. Position(20...
Sun 17.12.08
Expand (281kb, 1024 x 1024) Credit NASA Mars is visible as a bright star near the Sun
Barnsley school astronomy day
Pupils and parents at a Barnsley school had stars in their eyes when they enjoyed an astronomy day. The event at Birdwell Primary was funded by a grant from the Institute of Physics, which paid for a giant Star Dome planetarium to be installed in the school hall. All the pupils were given a demonstratio...
Science Express
The expectations have been more than fulfilled: to date, a total of 2.1 million people have visited the Science Express, which will, for the time being, roll into its last destination, New Delhi, on June 4th. To mark the occasion, the Indian government has extended an invitation to a celebratory eve...
Sun 10.12.08
A new sunspot, 11009, has appeared on the Sun. Expand (114kb, 560 x 560) Credit SOHO
Supernova 2007gi
A Type Ia magnitude 14.6 (and rising) supernova, 2007gi, was discovered on the 31th July, 2007, by Koichi Itagaki in the regular lenticular galaxy NGC 4036 in the constellation ursa major. The supernova is located 23" west and 11" south of the centre of the galaxy. [url=http://farm2.st...
Sheboygan science and education center
Coastal Connections, Young Professionals Network of Sheboygan County, invites members and guests to a "power lunch" at noon on Thursday, Dec. 11, at the site of Spaceport Sheboygan - the former Armory, 516 Broughton Drive. James Testwuide, chairman of the Great Lakes Aerospace Scien...
Asteroid-Comet Hazard - 2009
International conference The Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Saint Petersburg Scientific Center of RAS, the Institute of Applied Astronomy of RAS invite you to participate in the International scientific conference 'Asteroid-Comet Hazard-2009' whi...
Possible Nova in Sagittarius
A possible nova in Sagittarius was discovered by W. Liller from Chile on the 29th November, 2008. Position(2000): RA: 18 22 00, Dec: -28 03 00 IMAGE CBET 1591
November 2008
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The two brightest planets in the night sky make a spectacular pairing near months' end. As November begins, find Venus brilliantly shining in the southwestern sky as evening twilight darkens. During the month, Venus, shining at a magnitude of -4.0, will climb higher in the sky each night. Jupiter s...
Supernova discovered
A magnitude 16.4 Type Ia supernova was discovered by the Plaskett Telescope (Catalina Sky Survey) on the 22nd November 2008 in a faint anonymous galaxy. Position(2000): RA 09:43:26.22 Dec 25:10:21.9 z=0.027
International Astronomical Union
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After 39 years the IAU returns to Prague and it is my great pleasure to invite you to attend this twenty-sixth General Assembly which will be taking place from August 14 to 25, 2006. 39 years is only a brief moment in Prague’s great astronomical history but it’s half the lifetime of the IAU.