Twin prime conjecture
Mathematicians have taken a giant step towards cracking one of the oldest and most complex number puzzles - without a Sudoku grid in sight.
The puzzle, known as the twin prime conjecture, has stumped the best mathematical brains for centuries.
Of similar status to Fermat's last the...
Workers reveal historical formulas sealed behind a wall Twenty-two years ago, workers renovating a WHOI conference room decided that two chalkboards covered in mathematical formulas looked too interesting to throw away. In a corner of one board, they added a few notes, then sealed the boards beh...
Flat mirror
Spanish researchers at the Autonomous University of Madrid claim to have created the most perfectly flat mirror ever, which they think may be useful for creating a new type of microscope. Lead researcher Vazquez de Parga has revealed that his team made the smoothest surface ever by combining silic...
Einstein’s Refrigerator
Oxford engineers aim to build 1930s invention that uses no electricity. Electrical engineers at Oxford University are trying to develop an eco-friendly refrigerator that runs without electricity, and they are looking back to an early invention by Albert Einstein to do it. The team have recently...
Kondo effect
A team of scientists including researchers from the London Centre for Nanotechnology at UCL (University College London) and the IBM Almaden Research Centre has forged a breakthrough in understanding an intriguing phenomenon in fundamental physics: the Kondo effect. The findings are reported...
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
A massive $310m upgrade to the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in Virginia has been approved, which will provide physicists with beams of 12 GeV electrons to study the fundamental structure of protons and neutrons. The upgrade will allow scientists to investigate the origins of w...
Virgo gravity-wave interferometer
The Virgo gravity-wave interferometer, an 80 million experiment located outside of Pisa, Italy, has been incapacitated by a vacuum failure for most of the summer, and is expected to stay out of commission for a month or two to come. Much of the lost time, though, would not have been used for observati...
Quantum Chaos
A University of Utah study is shedding light on an important, unsolved physics problem: the relationship between chaos theory - which is based on 300-year-old Newtonian physics - and the modern theory of quantum mechanics. The study demonstrated a fundamental new property - what appears to be cha...
Most magnetically silent place
Tug-of-war inelastic collisions
Vibrational excitation through tug-of-war inelastic collisions A new form of energy-transfer, reported today in Nature (3 July 2008) may have implications for the study of reactions going on in the atmosphere, and even for those occurring in the body. The reaction under study is the simplest che...
Bohr atom
Who knew it would take nearly a century to create the Bohr atom? The first successful model of the hydrogen atom was proposed by Danish physicist Niels Bohr almost a century ago and comprised an electron in classical circular "planet-like" orbit about the nucleus. With the advent of quan...
Modern Theoretical Physics - Stanford Course
The old Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics associated with Niels Bohr is giving way to a more profound interpretation based on the idea of quantum entanglement. Entanglement not only replaces the obsolete notion of the collapse of the wave function but is also the basis for Bells famo...
Nucleon-nucleon interactions
Fast-moving protons are much more likely to pair up with fast-moving neutrons than with other protons in the nuclei of atoms, according to a recent experiment performed at the U.S. Department of Energy's Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. The experiment confirms previous theoret...
Critical-Angle Transmission gratings
A new way of bending X-ray beams developed by MIT researchers could lead to greatly improved space telescopes, as well new tools for biology and for the manufacture of semiconductor chips. X-rays from space provide astronomers with important information about the most exotic events and objects i...
Boron-doped diamond
Superconductivity in Super Hard Diamond T A Study calculates that boron-doped diamond (BC5) should be superconducting on up to temperatures of 45 K, which, if borne out in experiments, would make this class of material with the highest with the highest transition temperature into a superconduct...