John O'Sullivan
John O'Sullivan, an Australian radio astronomer who helped develop wi-fi technology has won the Prime Minister's prestigious Science Prize. Wi-fi technology has become an essential part of everyday life. It is found in personal computers, video games, mobile phones and much more. [url=http:/...
Tim Doucette
By day Tim Doucette is legally blind and can barely see across the street, but when darkness falls he can see far into space. The Moncton, N.B.-based computer programmer was born with cataracts, and surgeons removed the lenses in his eyes when he was an infant. The procedure left his eyes overly sensi...
Waldseemuller map
The Waldseemuller map of 1507. The Waldseemuller map was - and still is - an astonishing sight to behold. Drawn 15 years after Columbus first sailed across the Atlantic, and measuring a remarkable 8ft wide by 4½ft high, it introduced Europeans to a fundamentally new understanding of the make-up of t...
Oldest gold mine
Oldest gold mine discovered in Georgia What's believed to be the world's oldest gold mine has been discovered just outside the Georgian capital Tblisi. Archaeologists have carried out a series of scientific tests which date the mine back to the 3rd millennium BC [url=http://english.cctv.com/p...
Global Green Challenge and Eco Challenge
Forget hybrid cars and electric vehicles; two of Australia's fastest, thirstiest cars are on target to win a controversial 3000km economy run from Darwin to Adelaide. The two thirstiest, most powerful cars in the field are on track to win the Global Green Challenge, an environmentally focussed fu...
Akapana pyramid
Akapana pyramid 'renovated' with adobe Eager to attract more tourists, the town of Tiwanaku in the Bolivian Andes has spruced up the ancient Akapana pyramid with adobe instead of stone, in what some experts are calling a renovation fiasco. Now, the Akapana pyramid risks losing its designation as a...
Greek goddess Nemesis
Archaeologists have found traces of a temple built for the Greek goddess of divine retribution, Nemesis, during excavations in the ancient city of Agora in the Aegean port city of zmir. Read more
La Hougue Bie
The mysteries of La Hougue Bie The 6,000 year-old burial site at La Hougue Bie is one of the best preserved remnants of the Neolithic period in Western Europe. Every spring and autumn crowds of people gather to watch the equinox from inside the chamber. [url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/local/jersey/l...
Mystery of the Six Towers
Not long ago, Sumerians were thought to be the first great fortification builders. For example, a timeline mentions the city of Uruk [Sumerian] as being the first undisputed example of [a] fortified city " in 2,700 B.C. Almost 6,000 years prior to that, a community had constructed five rou...
Air Force LASER Restrictions
Air Force Restrictions Impact Adaptive Optics Restrictions imposed by the Air Force on the use of lasers are significantly diminishing the utility of adaptive optics for studying the cosmos, according to a number of astronomers. "At one time, four or five years ago, we were getting very few r...
Irene Early (1917-2009)
Irene Early, a design engineer for aerospace giant Rockwell whose name is part of the Space Walk of Fame Museum, was a single mother of two and one of the firm's few female engineers when she was asked to come up with some practical uses for Velcro. [url=http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/chi-obi...
Astronaut Frank Caldeiro (1958-2009)
Born June 12, 1958 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, but considered New York City and Merritt Island, Florida, to be his hometowns. He died on October 3, 2009 following a 2-1/2 year battle with a brain tumour. He is survived by his wife, the former Donna Marie Emero of Huntington Beach, California, and tw...
Nine planets
McDonald's have been ticked off by scientists - for getting the number of planets in our solar system wrong. Their Happy Meal box, which encourages children to "Become a Planet Cook Explorer!", states: "There are nine planets in total." [url=http://www.mirror.co.uk/new...
Sonoran Desert
Whether you're already a seasoned stargazer or don't know a nebula from a neutrino, one of the best places to get up close to major observatories is southern Arizona, where waves of mountain ranges lift huge telescopes closer to the sky, and the arid climate offers many clear nights. People have been...
Naga fireballs
This weekend the Mekong River will again erupt with its mysterious fireballs. What are they? Join the never-ending debate and make up your own mind. The phenomenon is as enigmatic as it is beautiful. Thousands of pink and red bursts of light - the "naga fireballs", sometimes called "...