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No New Posts Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit (1686 - 1736)
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No New Posts Johnny Ball
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No New Posts H. Paul Shuch
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No New Posts John Bardeen (1908 - 1991)
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No New Posts Thomas Gold (1920 - 2004)
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No New Posts William Sturgeon (1783 - 1850)
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No New Posts Andrei Sakharov (1921 - 1989)
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No New Posts Gaspard-Gustave Coriolis (1792 - 1843)
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No New Posts Charles Lindbergh
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No New Posts Giuseppe Mercalli (1850 - 1914)
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No New Posts Toyah Willcox
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No New Posts Dame Margot Fonteyn de Arias, DBE (1919 - 1991)
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No New Posts Jeana Yeager
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No New Posts Julius Sumner Miller (1909 - 1987)
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No New Posts Dafydd Williams
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