UGC 9128
Dwarf Galaxy: Small but Perfectly Formed Galaxies come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, with most being classed as either elliptical or spiral. However, some fall into the miscellaneous category known as irregulars, such as UGC 9128 shown here in this NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image. UGC 91...
3C 382
Title: The Suzaku view of 3C 382 Authors: R. M. Sambruna (1), F. Tombesi (2,3), J. N. Reeves (4), V. Braito (5), L. Ballo (6), M. Gliozzi (1), C. S. Reynolds (3) ((1) George Mason University, (2) CRESST/NASA/GSFC, (3) University of Maryland, (4) Keele University, (5) University of Leicester, (6) CSI...
NGC 1700
Title: Evidence of a distinct stellar population in the counter-rotating core of NGC 1700 Authors: K. Kleineberg (IAC), P. Sanchez-Blazquez (UAM), A. Vazdekis (IAC) We find a distinct stellar population in the counter-rotating and kinematically decoupled core of the isolated massive ellipti...
ESO 461-036
Title: KK246, a dwarf galaxy with extended H I disk in the Local Void Authors: K. Kreckel, P. J. E. Peebles, J. H. van Gorkom, R. van de Weygaert, J. M. van der Hulst We have found that KK 246, the only confirmed galaxy located within the nearby Tully Void, is a dwarf galaxy with an extremely extended H I dis...
High-redshfit blazars
Title: Blazars in the early Universe Authors: Marta Volonteri, Francesco Haardt, Gabriele Ghisellini, Roberto Della Ceca We investigate the relative occurrence of radio--loud and radio-quiet quasars in the first billion years of the Universe, powered by black holes heavier than one billion s...
CL J1449+0856
Title: A mature cluster with X-ray emission at z=2.07 Authors: R. Gobat, E. Daddi, M. Onodera, A. Finoguenov, A. Renzini, N. Arimoto, R. Bouwens, M. Brusa, R.-R. Chary, A. Cimatti, M. Dickinson, X. Kong, M. Mignoli (Version v2) We report evidence of a fully established galaxy cluster at z=2.07, con...
4C 23.56 protocluster
Subaru Telescope Discovers A Rosetta Stone Cluster of Galaxies An international team of researchers led by Ichi Tanaka from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan has discovered an aggregate of galaxies undergoing a burst of star formation that may hold the key to understanding how gala...
HE 0435-1223
Title: I. Flux and colour variations of the quadruply imaged quasar HE 0435--1223 Authors: D. Ricci, J. Poels, A. Elyiv, F. Finet, P. G. Sprimont, T. Anguita, V. Bozza, P. Browne, M. Burgdorf, S. Calchi Novati, M. Dominik, S. Dreizler, M. Glitrup, F. Grundahl, K. Harpsøe, F. Hessman, T. C. Hinse, A. H...
Supercluster PLCK G214.6-37.0
Planck's successful hunt probes galaxy clusters on very broad mass range The first all-sky survey of galaxy clusters detected via the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect is amongst the highlights presented by the Planck Collaboration at a conference held from 10 to 14 January 2011 in Paris, France. The su...
Title: Suzaku X-ray Follow-up Observation of Weak-lensing-detected Halos in the Field around ZwCl0823.2+0425 Authors: Eri Watanabe, Motokazu Takizawa (Yamagata Univ.), Kazuhiro Nakazawa (Univ. of Tokyo), Nobuhiro Okabe (ASIAA/Tohoku Univ.), Madoka Kawaharada (ISAS/JAXA), Arif Babul (...
Henize 2-10
Title: An actively accreting massive black hole in the dwarf starburst galaxy Henize 2-10 Authors: Amy Reines Supermassive black holes are now thought to lie at the heart of every giant galaxy with a spheroidal component, including our own Milky Way. The birth and growth of the first 'seed' black ho...
Suzaku J1552+2739
Title: SUZAKU Observation of a New Merging Group of Galaxies at a Filamentary Junction Authors: Hajime Kawahara, Hiroshi Yo****ake, Takahiro Nishimichi, Thierry Sousbie We report on a new merging group of galaxies, Suzaku J1552+2739 at z ~ 0.08 revealed by a SUZAKU observation. The group was fou...
Title: X-ray microlensing in the quadruply lensed quasar Q2237+0305 Authors: F. Zimmer (1), R. W. Schmidt (1), J. Wambsganss (1), ((1) ARI/Zentrum f. Astronomie, University of Heidelberg) We use archival data of NASA's Chandra X-ray telescope to compile an X-ray light curve of all four images of...
4C 02.27
Title: 4C 02.27: what is inside a double-double radio quasar? Authors: S. Frey (FOMI SGO), Z. Paragi (JIVE) Recently Jamrozy et al. (2009) identified 4C 02.27 (J0935+0204) as the first possible example of a double-double radio source which is optically identified with a quasar (i.e. not a galaxy)...
SDSS J132533.22+272246.7
Title: A candidate polar-ring galaxy in the Subaru Deep Field Authors: Ido Finkelman, Or Graur, Noah Brosch We discuss the properties of an object in the Subaru Deep Field (SDF) classified as a galaxy in on-line data bases and revealed on the Subaru images as a genuine polar-ring galaxy (PRG) candid...