NGC 644
NGC 644 (also ESO 244-43, IRAS 01367-4250, MCG -7-4-27 and PGC 6097) is a magnitude +14.0 spiral galaxy located 286 million light-years away in the constellation Phoenix. The galaxy was discovered by British astronomer John Herschel using a 47.5 cm (18.7 inch) f/13 speculum reflecting telescope...
NGC 7070
NGC 7070 (also ESO 287-28, IRAS 21272-4318, MCG -7-44-16 and PGC 66869) is a magnitude +12.3 barred spiral galaxy located 109 million light-years away in the constellation Grus. The galaxy was discovered by British astronomer John Herschel using a 47.5 cm (18.7 inch) f/13 speculum reflecting tel...
NGC 7072
NGC 7072 (also ESO 287-31, IRAS 21273-4322, MCG -7-44-18 and PGC 66874) is a magnitude +13.5 barred spiral galaxy located 228 million light-years away in the constellation Grus. The galaxy was discovered by British astronomer John Herschel using a 47.5 cm (18.7 inch) f/13 speculum reflecting tel...
NGC 7097
NGC 7097 (also ESO 287-48, MCG -7-44-29 and PGC 67146) is a magnitude +11.7 elliptical galaxy located 120 million light-years away in the constellation Grus. The galaxy was discovered by British astronomer John Herschel using a 47.5 cm (18.7 inch) f/13 speculum reflecting telescope at Feldhause...
NGC 7424
NGC 7424 (also ESO 346-19, IRAS 22544-4120, MCG -7-47-8 and PGC 70096) is a magnitude +11.0 barred spiral galaxy located 37.5 million light-years away in the constellation Grus. The galaxy was discovered by British astronomer John Herschel using a 47.5 cm (18.7 inch) f/13 speculum reflecting tel...
NGC 7660
NGC 7660 (also MCG 4-55-12, UGC 12594 and PGC 71413) is a magnitude +12.7 elliptical galaxy located 262 million light-years away in the constellation Pegasus. The galaxy was discovered by British astronomer John Herschel using a 47.5 cm (18.7 inch) f/13 speculum reflecting telescope at Windsor R...
NGC 7673
NGC 7673 (also IRAS 23252+2318, MCG 4-55-14, UGC 12607 and PGC 71493) is a magnitude +13.2 disturbed spiral galaxy located 157 million light-years away in the constellation Pegasus. The galaxy was discovered by German astronomer Albert Marth using a 121.92 cm (48 inch) reflector in Malta on the 5t...
NGC 7677
NGC 7677 (also IRAS 23256+2315, MCG 4-55-15, UGC 12610 and PGC 71517) is a magnitude +13.2 barred spiral galaxy located 163 million light-years away in the constellation Pegasus. The galaxy was discovered by German astronomer Albert Marth using a 121.92 cm (48 inch) reflector in Malta on the 5th Se...
NGC 7689
NGC 7689 (also ESO 192-7, IRAS 23305-5422 and PGC 71729) is a magnitude +11.5 barred spiral galaxy located 91 million light-years away in the constellation Phoenix. The galaxy was discovered by Scottish astronomer James Dunlop using a homemade 9-foot 22.86 cm (9 inch) f/12 speculum Newtonian re...
NGC 524
NGC 524 (also IRAS 01221+0916, MCG 1-4-53, UGC 968 and PGC 5222) is a magnitude +10.2 spiral galaxy located 109 million light-years away in the constellation Pisces. The galaxy was discovered by by German-British astronomer William Herschel using a 47.5 cm (18.7 inch) f/13 speculum reflector at O...
NGC 532
NGC 532 (also IRAS 01226+0900, MCG 1-4-56, UGC 982 and PGC 5264) is a magnitude +12.9 spiral galaxy located 109 million light-years away in the constellation Pisces. The galaxy was discovered by by German-British astronomer William Herschel using a 47.5 cm (18.7 inch) f/13 speculum reflector at O...
NGC 626
NGC 626 (also ESO 297-6, MCG -7-4-18 and PGC 5901) is a magnitude +12.7 barred spiral galaxy located 261 million light-years away in the constellation Sculptor. The galaxy was discovered by British astronomer John Herschel using a 47.5 cm (18.7 inch) f/13 speculum reflecting telescope at Feldhau...
NGC 665
NGC 665 (also MCG 2-5-19, UGC 1223 and PGC 6415) is a magnitude +12.2 spiral galaxy located 249 million light-years in the constellation Pisces. The galaxy was discovered by by German-British astronomer William Herschel using a 47.5 cm (18.7 inch) f/13 speculum reflector at Observatory House, Wi...
NGC 673
NGC 673 (also IRAS 01457+1116, MCG 2-5-33, UGC 1259 and PGC 6624) is a magnitude +12.6 spiral galaxy located 238 million light-years in the constellation Aries. The galaxy was discovered by by German-British astronomer William Herschel using a 47.5 cm (18.7 inch) f/13 speculum reflector at Obser...
NGC 6703
NGC 6703 (also MCG 8-34-20, UGC 11356 and PGC 62409) is a magnitude +11.3 elliptical galaxy located 113 million light-years away in the constellation Lyra. The galaxy was discovered by German astronomer Heinrich Louis d'Arrest using a 27.94 cm (11 inch) f/17.5 Merz-Refractor at the Copenhagen Ob...