NGC 7075
NGC 7075 (also ESO 343-4, MCG -7-44-20 and PGC 66895) is a magnitude +12.7 elliptical galaxy located 255 million light-years away in the constellation Grus. The galaxy was discovered by British astronomer John Herschel using a 47.5 cm (18.7 inch) f/13 speculum reflecting telescope at Feldhausen...
NGC 7087
NGC 7087 (also ESO 343-8, IRAS 21314-4102, MCG -7-44-25 and PGC 66988) is a magnitude +13.0 spiral galaxy located 234 million light-years away in the constellation Grus. The galaxy was discovered by British astronomer John Herschel using a 47.5 cm (18.7 inch) f/13 speculum reflecting telescope a...
NGC 7545
NGC 7545 (also ESO 347-4, IRAS 23127-3848, MCG -7-47-26 and PGC 70840) is a magnitude +13.1 barred spiral galaxy located 97 million light-years away in the constellation Grus. The galaxy was discovered by British astronomer John Herschel using a 47.5 cm (18.7 inch) f/13 speculum reflecting teles...
NGC 7658
NGC 7658 (also NGC 7658A, ESO 347-15, MCG -7-48-2 and PGC 71432) is a magnitude +14.3 spiral galaxy located 505 million light-years away in the constellation Grus. The galaxy was discovered by British astronomer John Herschel using a 47.5 cm (18.7 inch) f/13 speculum reflecting telescope at Feldh...
NASA Telescopes Help Uncover Early Construction Phase Of Giant Galaxy Astronomers have for the first time gotten a glimpse of the earliest stages of massive galaxy construction. The building site, dubbed "Sparky," is a developing galaxy containing a dense core that is blazing with th...
NGC 7121
NGC 7121 (also IRAS 21422-0351, MCG -1-55-8 and PGC 67287) is a magnitude +13.4 spiral galaxy located 378 million light-years away in the constellation Aquarius. The galaxy was discovered by French astronomer Edouard Stephan using a 80.01 cm (31.5 inch) reflector at the Marseille Observatory o...
NGC 6829
NGC 6829 (also MCG 10-28-10, UGC 11478 and PGC 63667) is a magnitude +14.1 spiral galaxy located 151 million light-years away in the constellation Draco. The galaxy was discovered by American astronomer Lewis A. Swift using a 40.6 cm (16 inch) Alvan Clark and Sons refractor at the Warner Observator...
NGC 6831
NGC 6831 (also MCG 10-28-11, UGC 11483 and PGC 63674) is a magnitude +13.3 spiral galaxy located 158 million light-years away in the constellation Draco. The galaxy was discovered by American astronomer Lewis A. Swift using a 40.6 cm (16 inch) Alvan Clark and Sons refractor at the Warner Observator...
NGC 7030
NGC 7030 (also ESO 598-28, IRAS 21083-2041, MCG -4-50-3 and PGC 66283) is a magnitude +13.7 barred spiral galaxy located 406 million light-years away in the constellation of Aquarius. The galaxy was discovered by American astronomer Francis Preserved Leavenworth using a 66.04 cm (26 inch) refr...
NGC 7241
NGC 7241 (also MCG 3-56-20, UGC 11968 and PGC 68442) is a magnitude +12.6 barred spiral galaxy located 67 million light-years away in the constellation Pegasus. The galaxy was discovered by French astronomer Edouard Stephan using a 80.01 cm (31.5 inch) reflector at the Marseille Observatory on t...
NGC 6902
NGC 6902 (also IC 4948, ESO 285-8, MCG -7-42-2 and PGC 64632) is a magnitude +10.9 barred spiral galaxy located 129 million light-years away in the constellation Sagittarius. The galaxy was discovered by British astronomer John Herschel using a 47.5 cm (18.7 inch) f/13 speculum reflecting telesc...
NGC 6919
NGC 6919 (also ESO 285-27, IRAS 20282-4423, MCG -7-42-11 and PGC 64883) is a magnitude +13.4 barred spiral galaxy located 305 million light-years away in the constellation Microscopium. The galaxy was discovered by British astronomer John Herschel using a 47.5 cm (18.7 inch) f/13 speculum refle...
NGC 7053
NGC 7053 (also IRAS 21188+2252, MCG 4-50-9, UGC 11727 and PGC 66610) is a magnitude +13.1 compact galaxy located 216 million light-years away in the constellation Pegasus. The galaxy was discovered by German astronomer Albert Marth using a 121.92 cm (48 inch) reflector in Malta on the 2nd Septembe...
NGC 7057
NGC 7057 (also ESO 287-17, MCG -7-44-4 and PGC 66708) is a magnitude +12.6 elliptical galaxy located 248 million light-years away in the constellation Microscopium. The galaxy was discovered by British astronomer John Herschel using a 47.5 cm (18.7 inch) f/13 speculum reflecting telescope at Fe...
NGC 7060
NGC 7060 (also ESO 287-22, IRAS 21226-4237, MCG -7-44-6 and PGC 66732) is a magnitude +12.94 barred spiral galaxy located 221 million light-years away in the constellation Microscopium. The galaxy was discovered by British astronomer John Herschel using a 47.5 cm (18.7 inch) f/13 speculum refle...