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No New Posts CV Serpentis
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No New Posts EXO 1745-248
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No New Posts LSPM J0651+1843 and LSPM J0651+1845
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No New Posts PSR J1838-0537
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No New Posts V648 Carinae
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No New Posts Nova Sagittarius 2012 No.5
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No New Posts IGRJ18179-1621
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No New Posts Possible nova in Ophiuchus
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No New Posts Mira variables (Preview) Blobrana 0
No New Posts CSS100603:112253-111037
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No New Posts R Fornacis
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No New Posts WISEP J004701.06+680352.1
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No New Posts V1154 Cygni
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No New Posts S Coronae Australis
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No New Posts YSO CHS7797
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