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TOPIC: Galaxy Formation


Posts: 131433
RE: Galaxy Formation

Title: Chemo-Archeological Downsizing in a Hierarchical Universe: Impact of a Top Heavy IGIMF
Author: I. D. Gargiulo, S. A. Cora, N. D. Padilla, A. M. Muņoz Arancibia, A. N. Ruiz, A. A. Orsi, T. E. Tecce, C. Weidner, G. Bruzual

We make use of a semi-analytical model of galaxy formation to investigate the origin of the observed correlation between [a/Fe] abundance ratios and stellar mass in elliptical galaxies.We implement a new galaxy-wide stellar initial mass function (Top Heavy Integrated Galaxy Initial Mass Function, TH-IGIMF) in the semi-analytic model SAG and evaluate its impact on the chemical evolution of galaxies. The SFR-dependence of the slope of the TH-IGIMF is found to be key to reproducing the correct [a/Fe]-stellar mass relation. Massive galaxies reach higher [a/Fe] abundance ratios because they are characterized by more top heavy IMFs as a result of their higher SFR. As a consequence of our analysis, the value of the minimum embedded star cluster mass, which is a free parameter involved in the TH-IGIMF theory, is found to be as low as 5 solar masses. A mild downsizing trend is present for galaxies generated assuming either a universal IMF or a variable TH-IGIMF.We find that, regardless of galaxy mass, older galaxies (with formation redshifts > 2) are formed in shorter time-scales (< 2Gyr), thus achieving larger [a/Fe] values. Hence, the time-scale of galaxy formation alone cannot explain the slope of the [a/Fe]-galaxy mass relation, but is responsible for the big dispersion of [a/Fe] abundance ratios at fixed stellar mass.

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Posts: 131433

Galaxies: some assembly required

New research using the world's largest telescope at the Keck Observatory in Hawaii has revealed two distinct populations of star clusters surrounding galaxies that have radically different chemical compositions.
An international team, led by Swinburne astronomers Christopher Usher and Professor Duncan Forbes, has measured the chemical composition of more than 900 star clusters in a dozen galaxies.

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Posts: 131433

Explosion of galaxy formation lit up early universe

New data from the South Pole Telescope indicates that the birth of the first massive galaxies that lit up the early universe was an explosive event, happening faster and ending sooner than suspected.
Extremely bright, active galaxies formed and fully illuminated the universe by the time it was 750 million years old, or about 13 billion years ago, according to Oliver Zahn, a postdoctoral fellow at the Berkeley Centre for Cosmological Physics (BCCP) at the University of California, Berkeley, who led the data analysis.

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Posts: 131433

Title: The Current Status of Galaxy Formation
Authors: Joe Silk (1,2,3), Gary A. Mamon (1) ((1) IAP, (2) JHU, (3) BIPAC, Oxford)

Understanding galaxy formation is one of the most pressing issues in cosmology. We review the current status of galaxy formation from both an observational and a theoretical perspective, and summarise the prospects for future advances.

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Posts: 131433

Title: Metallicity Gradients in Disks: Do Galaxies Form Inside-Out?
Authors: K. Pilkington, C.G. Few, B.K. Gibson, F. Calura, L. Michel-Dansac, R.J. Thacker, M. Molla, F. Matteucci, A. Rahimi, D. Kawata, C. Kobayashi, C.B. Brook, G.S. Stinson, H.M.P. Couchman, J. Bailin, J. Wadsley

We examine radial and vertical metallicity gradients using a suite of disk galaxy simulations, supplemented with two classic chemical evolution approaches. We determine the rate of change of gradient and reconcile differences between extant models and observations within the `inside-out' disk growth paradigm. A sample of 25 disks is used, consisting of 19 from our RaDES (Ramses Disk Environment Study) sample, realised with the adaptive mesh refinement code RAMSES. Four disks are selected from the MUGS (McMaster Unbiased Galaxy Simulations) sample, generated with the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) code GASOLINE, alongside disks from Rahimi et al. (GCD+) and Kobayashi & Nakasato (GRAPE-SPH). Two chemical evolution models of inside-out disk growth were employed to contrast the temporal evolution of their radial gradients with those of the simulations. We find that systematic differences exist between the predicted evolution of radial abundance gradients in the RaDES and chemical evolution models, compared with the MUGS sample; specifically, the MUGS simulations are systematically steeper at high-redshift, and present much more rapid evolution in their gradients. We find that the majority of the models predict radial gradients today which are consistent with those observed in late-type disks, but they evolve to this self-similarity in different fashions, despite each adhering to classical `inside-out' growth. We find that radial dependence of the efficiency with which stars form as a function of time drives the differences seen in the gradients; systematic differences in the sub-grid physics between the various codes are responsible for setting these gradients. Recent, albeit limited, data at redshift z=1.5 are consistent with the steeper gradients seen in our SPH sample, suggesting a modest revision of the classical chemical evolution models may be required.

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Posts: 131433

A Galactic Growth Spurt

Galaxies litter the cosmos by the hundreds of billions. But there could easily be many, many more. In the May issue of Scientific American, astronomer James E. Geach of McGill University explores why so little of the matter created in the big bang went on to become the raw material for making galaxies. One reason is a phenomenon called feedback - as galaxies accrete matter, they also spew gas back out into space. In the simulation below, a developing galaxy is undergoing feedback, ejecting material into intergalactic space as it grows.
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Posts: 131433
Elliptical Galaxy Formation

Largest galaxies grow up gradually like snowflakes

They may be monsters of the universe, but elliptical galaxies can start life in the same way as snowflakes.
It has long been assumed that these most massive of galaxies form when two smaller spiral-shaped galaxies collide. But there is an alternative theory in which a cloud of gas collapses in on itself to form a dense core of stars which then grows larger by assimilating smaller galaxies over time. This is similar to how ice crystals build up around a microscopic dust grain as it falls to Earth, forming a snowflake.
Now there is evidence that a massive elliptical galaxy called NGC 1407 formed in this way. Duncan Forbes of Swinburne University of Technology in Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia, and colleagues used the colours of the star clusters in NGC 1407 to estimate its chemical composition. They found the concentration of heavy elements was highest at the core's centre, decreasing towards its edges, which tallies with the gas cloud collapse theory. That's because the gravity at the cloud's centre would be stronger than at its edges, concentrating the heavy elements produced in stars there.

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Posts: 131433
RE: Galaxy Formation

How much dark matter is needed to form a large star-forming galaxy?



Posts: 131433

Scientists discover how to grow a galaxy

Australian scientists have found the first direct evidence to support a theory that galaxies containing billions of stars are born in much the same way as delicate snowflakes.

"Snowflake formation requires a 'seed' to get it started" - Professor Duncan Forbes from Melbourne's Swinburne University of Technology.

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Posts: 131433

Giant galaxies akin to snowflakes in space

Giant galaxies that contain billions of stars are born in much the same way as delicate snowflakes, new research from Swinburne University of Technology has shown.
In a paper accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Professor Duncan Forbes has provided the first direct evidence to support a theory of galaxy formation that he has likened to the birth of a snowflake.

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