Title: On the origin and evolutionary state of RZ Cas, KO Aql and S Equ Authors: N. Mennekens, J.-P. De Greve, W. Van Rensbergen, L. R. Yungelson
Aims. Determination of the present evolutionary state and the restrictions on the initial mass ratios of RZ Cas, KO Aql and S Equ. Methods. Comparison of mass gaining stars with evolutionary models of single stars with the same mass and subsequent comparison with accretion tracks from simultaneous conservative binary evolution. Results. The gainers are in an early main sequence stage (Xc greater than 0.5), with KO Aql being almost unevolved. The initial donor/gainer mass ratios Mdi/Mgi must be larger than three to obtain the present mass and luminosity of the gainers.
Title: RZ Cassiopeia: Eclipsing Binary with Pulsating Component Authors: A. Golovin, E. Pavlenko
We report time-resolved VR-band CCD photometry of the eclipsing binary RZ Cas obtained with 38-cm Cassegrain telescope at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory during July 2004 - October 2005. Obtained lightcurves clearly demonstrates rapid pulsations with the period about 22 minutes. Periodogram analysis of such oscillations also is reported. On the 12, January, 2005 we observed rapid variability with higher amplitude (~0.^m 1) that, perhaps, may be interpreted as high-mass-transfer-rate event and inhomogeneity of accretion stream. Follow-up observations (both, photometric and spectroscopic) of RZ Cas are strictly desirable for more detailed study of such event.