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Post Info TOPIC: HD 203608


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HD 203608

Title: HD 203608, a quiet asteroseismic target in the old galactic disk
Authors: B. Mosser, S. Deheuvels, E. Michel, F. Thevenin, M.A. Dupret, R. Samadi, C. Barban, M.J. Goupil

A short observing run with the spectrometer Harps at the ESO 3.6-m telescope was conducted in order to continue exploring the asteroseismic properties of F type stars. In fact, Doppler observations of F type on the main sequence are demanding and remain currently limited to a single case (HD 49933). Comparison with photometric results obtained with the CoRoT mission on similar stars will be possible with an enhanced set of observations. We selected the 4th magnitude F8V star HD 203608, in order to investigate the oscillating properties of a low-metallicity star of the old galactic disk. A 5-night asteroseismic observation program has been conducted in August 2006 with Harps. Spectra were reduced with the on-line data reduction software provided by the instrument. A new statistical approach has been developed for extracting the significant peaks in the Fourier domain. The oscillation spectrum shows a significant excess power in the frequency range [1.5, 3.0 mHz]. It exhibits a large spacing about 120.4 \mu Hz at 2.5 mHz. Variations of the large spacing with frequency are clearly identified, which require an adapted asymptotic development. The modes identification is based on the unambiguous signature of 15 modes with $\ell = 0$ and 1. This observation shows the potential diagnostic of asteroseismic constraints. Including them in the stellar modelling enhances significantly the precision on the physical parameters of \cible, resulting in a much more precise position in the HR diagram. The age of the star is now determined in the range 7.25\pm0.07 Gyr.

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