Cosmic cartographers are starting work on the biggest 3D map of the universe so far. It should reveal an undulating landscape sculpted by the big bang, and might give us a clue to the underlying shape of space and the nature of the "dark energy" that is blowing the universe apart. The Sloan III project is the latest in a sequence of sky-surveys using a special wide-angle telescope sited in Sunspot, New Mexico. Since the completion of the Sloan I and II surveys, the telescope's camera and optics have been updated, making it a more sensitive instrument.
Title: A Map of the Universe Authors: Gott, J. Richard, III; Juri, Mario; Schlegel, David; Hoyle, Fiona; Vogeley, Michael; Tegmark, Max; Bahcall, Neta; Brinkmann, Jon
We have produced a new conformal map of the universe illustrating recent discoveries, ranging from Kuiper Belt objects in the solar system to the galaxies and quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. This map projection, based on the logarithm map of the complex plane, preserves shapes locally and yet is able to display the entire range of astronomical scales from the Earth's neighbourhood to the cosmic microwave background. The conformal nature of the projection, preserving shapes locally, may be of particular use for analysing large-scale structure. Prominent in the map is a Sloan Great Wall of galaxies 1.37 billion light-years long, 80% longer than the Great Wall discovered by Geller and Huchra and therefore the largest observed structure in the universe.