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Posts: 131433
RE: Trumpler 16

Title: The Chandra Carina Complex Project View of Trumpler 16
Authors: Scott J. Wolk, Patrick S. Broos, Konstantin V. Getman, Eric D. Feigelson, Thomas Preibisch, Leisa K. Townsley, Junfeng Wang, Keivan G. Stassun, Robert R. King, Mark J. McCaughrean, Anthony F. J. Moffat, Hans Zinnecker

Trumpler 16 is a well--known rich star cluster containing the eruptive supergiant eta Carinae and located in the Carina star-forming complex. In the context of the Chandra Carina Complex Project, we study Trumpler 16 using new and archival X-ray data. A revised X-ray source list of the Trumpler 16 region contains 1232 X-ray sources including 1187 likely Carina members. These are matched to 1047 near-infrared counterparts detected by the HAWK-I instrument at the VLT allowing for better selection of cluster members. The cluster is irregular in shape. Although it is roughly circular, there is a high degree of sub-clustering, no noticeable central concentration and an extension to the southeast. The high--mass stars show neither evidence of mass segregation nor evidence of strong differential extinction. The derived power-law slope of the X-ray luminosity function for Trumpler 16 reveals a much steeper function than the Orion Nebula Cluster implying different ratio of solar- to higher-mass stars. We estimate the total Trumpler 16 pre-main sequence population to be > 6500 Class II and Class III X-ray sources. An overall K-excess disk frequency of ~ 8.9% is derived using the X-ray selected sample, although there is some variation among the sub-clusters, especially in the Southeastern extension. X-ray emission is detected from 29 high--mass stars with spectral types between B2 and O3.

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Posts: 131433

Title: The Search for Low-mass Companions of B Stars in the Carina Nebula Cluster Trumpler 16
Authors: Nancy Remage Evans, Kathleen DeGioia-Eastwood, Marc Gagne, Leisa Townsley, Patrick Broos, Scott Wolk, Yael Naze, Michael Corcoran, Lida Oskinova, Anthony F. J. Moffat, Junfeng Wang, Nolan R. Walborn

We have developed lists of likely B3--A0 stars (called "late B" stars) in the young cluster Trumpler 16. The following criteria were used: location within 3' of Eta Car, an appropriate V and B-V combination, and proper motion (where available). Colour and magnitude cuts have been made assuming an E(B-V) =0.55 mag ±0.1, which is a good approximation close to the centre of Trumpler 16. These lists have been cross-correlated with X-ray sources found in the Chandra Carina Complex Project (CCCP). Previous studies have shown that only very rarely (if at all) do late main sequence B stars produce X-rays. We present evidence that the X-ray detected sources are binaries with low-mass companions, since stars less massive than 1.4 Msun are strong X-ray sources at the age of the cluster. Both the median X-ray energies and X-ray luminosities of these sources are in good agreement with values for typical low-mass coronal X-ray sources. We find that 39% of the late B stars based on a list with proper motions have low-mass companions. Similarly, 32% of a sample without proper motions have low-mass companions. We discuss the X-ray detection completeness. These results on low-mass companions of intermediate mass stars are complementary to spectroscopic and interferometric results, and probe new parameter space of low mass companions at all separations. They do not support a steeply rising distribution of mass ratios to low masses for intermediate-mass (5 Msun) primaries, such as would be found by random pairing from the Initial Mass Function.

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Posts: 131433

Hubble captures views of mammoth stars
Two of our galaxy's most massive stars, until recently shrouded in mystery, have been viewed by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, unveiling greater detail than ever before.
The image shows a pair of colossal stars, WR 25 and Tr16-244, located within the open cluster Trumpler 16. This cluster is embedded within the Carina Nebula, an immense cauldron of gas and dust that lies approximately 7500 light-years from Earth. The Carina Nebula contains several ultra-hot stars, including these two star systems and the famous blue star Eta Carinae, which has the highest luminosity yet confirmed.
These stars are very bright and they produce incredible amounts of heat, emitting most of their radiation in the ultraviolet and appearing blue in colour. They are so powerful that they burn through their hydrogen fuel source faster than other types of stars, leading to a live fast, die young stellar lifestyle.

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Posts: 131433

Title: An X-ray survey of low-mass stars in Trumpler 16 with Chandra
Authors: J.F. Albacete-Colombo, F. Damiani, G. Micela, S. Sciortino, F.R. Harnden Jr

We identify and characterise low-mass stars in the ~3 Myr old Trumpler 16 (Tr16) region by means of a deep Chandra X-ray observation, and study their optical and near-IR properties. We compare X-ray activity of Tr16 stars with known characteristics of Orion and Cygnus OB2 stars. We analysed a 88.4 ksec Chandra ACIS-I observation pointed at the centre of Tr16. Because of diffuse X-ray emission, source detection was performed using the PWDetect code for two different energy ranges: 0.5-8.0 keV and 0.9-8.0 keV. Results were merged into a single final list. We positionally correlate X-ray sources with optical and 2MASS catalogues. Source events were extracted with the IDL-based routine ACIS-Extract. X-ray variability was characterised using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and spectra were fitted by using XSPEC. X-ray spectra of early-type, massive stars were analysed individually. Our list of X-ray sources consists of 1035 entries, 660 of which have near-IR counterparts and are probably associated with Tr16 members. From near-IR colour-colour and colour-magnitudes diagrams we compute individual masses of stars and their Av values. About 15% of the near-IR counterparts show disk-induced excesses. X-ray variability is found in 77 sources. X-ray emission from OB stars appear softer than the low-mass stars. The Tr16 region has a very rich population of low-mass X-ray emitting stars. An important fraction of its circumstellar disks survive the intense radiation field of its massive stars. Stars with masses 1.5-2.5 Mo display X-ray activity similar to that of stars in Cyg OB2 but much less intense than observed for Orion Nebula Cluster members.

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