Global-Rent-a-scope (GRAS) is proud to present the work of Norman Falla of the UK. Norman relates his own story as to how he joined the GRAS Adventure of discovery. Read Norman's fascinating encounter told in his own words. I live in the outer suburbs of London, England and I recently retired from the PRA Coatings Technology Centre where I had spent nearly 40 years on work involving research, analysis and testing of paint and other surface coatings. My specialist field was analytical spectroscopy. I have my own telescope (an Orion Optics 300 mm Newtonian) which I have used mainly for lunar and planetary imaging and in recent years my interest has broadened to include asteroid discovery. My problem was that the light pollution levels of suburban London made it difficult for me to reach the magnitude 19 levels at which most new discoveries are made.
Free Offer! GRAS announces, "Take your own deep space images for free" Anyone, with an Internet connected computer, located anywhere on the Earth, will be granted free access to GRAS-013, a remote Telescope. This robotic astronomical ground-based, Hubble-space-telescope-like system, is located in Australia.