Title: Chaotic Brane Inflation Author: Benjamin Shlaer
We illustrate a framework for constructing models of chaotic inflation where the inflaton is the position of a D3 brane along the universal cover of a string compactification. In our scenario, a brane rolls many times around a non-trivial one-cycle, thereby unwinding a Ramond-Ramond flux. These "flux monodromies" are similar in spirit to the monodromies of Silverstein, Westphal, and McAllister, and their four-dimensional description is that of Kaloper and Sorbo. Assuming moduli stabilization is rigid enough, the large-field inflationary potential is protected from radiative corrections by a discrete shift symmetry.
Title: Brane inflation: A field theory approach in background supergravity Authors: Sayantan Choudhury, Supratik Pal
We propose a model of inflation in the framework of brane cosmology driven by background supergravity. Starting from bulk supergravity we construct the inflaton potential on the brane and employ it to investigate for the consequences to inflationary paradigm. To this end, we derive the expressions for the important parameters in brane inflation, which are somewhat different from their counterparts in standard cosmology, using the one loop radiative corrected potential. We further estimate the observable parameters and find them to fit well with recent observational data. We have studied extensively reheating phenomenology, which explains the thermal history of the universe and leptogenesis through the production of thermal gravitino pertaining to the particle physics phenomenology of the early universe.
Title: The structure of correlation functions in single field inflation Authors: Sarah Shandera (Version v2)
Many statistics available to constrain non-Gaussianity from inflation are simplest to use under the assumption that the curvature correlation functions are hierarchical. That is, if the n-point function is proportional to the (n-1) power of the two-point function amplitude and the fluctuations are small, the probability distribution can be approximated by expanding around a Gaussian in moments. However, single-field inflation with higher derivative interactions has a second small number, the sound speed, that appears in the problem when non-Gaussianity is significant and changes the scaling of correlation functions. Here we examine the structure of correlation functions in the most general single scalar field action with higher derivatives, formalising the conditions under which the fluctuations can be expanded around a Gaussian distribution. We comment about the special case of the Dirac-Born-Infeld action.