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Post Info TOPIC: UGC 7388


Posts: 131433
UGC 7388

Title:  UGC 7388: A galaxy with two tidal loops
Authors: M. Faśndez-Abans, V. P. Reshetnikov, M. de Oliveira-Abans and I. F. Fernandes

 We present the results of our spectroscopic and morphological studies of the galaxy UGC 7388 with the 8.1-m Gemini North telescope. Judging by its observed characteristics, UGC 7388 is a giant late-type spiral galaxy seen nearly edge-on. The main body of the galaxy is surrounded by two faint (_B  ~ 24  m/s" and _B  ~ 25·  m  5/s") extended (~ 20 - 30 kpc) loop-like structures. A large-scale rotation of the brighter loop about the main galaxy has been detected. We discuss the assumption that the tidal disruption of a relatively massive companion is observed in the case of UGC 7388. A detailed study and modelling of the observed structure of this unique galaxy can give important information about the influence of the absorption of massive companions on the galactic disks and about the structure of the dark halo around UGC 7388.

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