A bronze statue of the Venerable Bede was unveiled this week, as part of the countdown to the Lindisfarne Gospels exhibition. The statue, a casting of internationally-renowned sculptor Fenwick Lawson's work, the "Young Bede" or the "Beda Bede", has been installed at the entrance to Durham University's Palace Green Library, just yards from the saint's tomb in Durham Cathedral. Read more
The Venerable Bede, based at the Wearmouth-Jarrow twin monastery site, is famed for his theological works and for being the father of English history. But Bede, one of the leading scholars in 8th Century Europe, was also an outstanding scientist. Last night a new permanent gallery at Bede's World in Jarrow, called Bede the Scientist, was opened. Sir Arnold Wolfendale, Emeritus Professor of Physics at Durham University and former Astronomer Royal, had been due to attend - only to be foiled by the weather. A recorded message was also played from Sky at Night astronomer Sir Patrick Moore