The 120 - 260 metre wide asteroid 2009 FF will make a close pass (51.66 lunar distances, 0.13275 AU), travelling at 16.94 km/second, to the Earth on the 6th April 2018 @ 22:22 UT ±00:01.
Orbital elements:
2009 FF PHA, Earth MOID = 0.0151 AU
Epoch 2016 Jan. 13.0 TT = JDT 2457400.5 MPC
M 243.38872 (2000.0) P Q
n 0.55071342 Peri. 10.94316 +0.11997881 +0.99262909
a 1.4740728 Node 265.94932 -0.91214455 +0.10341635
e 0.4681723 Incl. 0.98254 -0.39191504 +0.06318665
P 1.79 H 21.8 G 0.15 U 3
The 120 - 270 metre wide asteroid 2009 FF will make a close pass (67.0 Lunar Distances, 0.1721 AU), travelling at 9.74 km/s, to the Earth-Moon system on the 15th May, 2009.