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TOPIC: Asteroid 2001 FE90


Posts: 131433
Asteroid 2001 FE90

Asteroid 2001 FE90 has been imaged by the JPL Planetary Radar Team.
Optical observations have revealed that the asteroid is small (200 metres), monolithic, and fast-rotating (P_syn = 28.66±0.06 min).
On the 19th June an optical spectroscopy was obtained by the Palomar 5-metre telescope; this revealed that the asteroid is a rare olivine-rich A-type asteroid, similar to asteroid (289) Nenetta.

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Posts: 131433

The 270 - 600 metre wide asteroid 2001 FE90 will make a close pass (7.0 Lunar Distances, 0.0180AU), travelling at 10.14 km/s, to the Earth-Moon system on the 28th June, 2009.
The asteroid should brighten to magnitude 12.3 at closest approach.

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The Lunar Distance (LD), the distance between Earth and the Moon, equals 384,401 km, (or 0.00256 AU).

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