Miep Gies, the last surviving member of the group who helped protect Anne Frank and her family from the Nazis, has died in the Netherlands aged 100. Read more
Miep Gies, now aged 100, helped hide Anne Frank and her family from the Nazis during the German occupation of the Netherlands in the Second World War. After the occupants of the secret Amsterdam canal house annex had been betrayed and arrested, it was she who found and hid Annes diary. Source
Die Internationale Astronomische Union (IAU) ehrt damit den Mut und die Standhaftigkeit der inzwischen 100 Jahre alten letzten überlebenden Helferin der jüdischen Familie Frank, die sich im Zweiten Weltkrieg in einem Amsterdamer Hinterhaus vor den Nazis versteckt hatte. Der 1972 entdeckte Asteroid, der nun als "Miep Gies" durchs Weltall zieht, besteht aus Felsmaterial und hat einen Durchmesser von etwa sieben Kilometern.
An asteroid has been named after Miep Gies, the woman who saved the diary of Anne Frank. The International Astronomical Union announced that asteroid Miepgies orbits between Mars and Jupiter and has an estimated diameter of seven kilometres.