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Post Info TOPIC: Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space


Posts: 131433
RE: Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space

Time to go atomic on space station

The International Space Station will soon host the most accurate clock ever sent into space. It will allow for better synchronisation of clocks on Earth and also probe exotic physics.
The experiment, called Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space (ACES), will be built by EADS Astrium and is scheduled to fly to the space station in 2014, the European Space Agency announced last week. It will keep track of time by measuring the frequency of microwaves absorbed by cooled caesium atoms.

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Posts: 131433

Challenging Einstein on the ISS: ACES takes a step ahead

A fascinating new experiment that will expand the range of research on the International Space Station was given the green light last Friday with the signature of the ACES atomic clock contract.
The most precise measurement of time yet - in space - will soon be used to probe the principal theories of physics. The appearance of the ACES Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space is deceptively simple but inside it carries two exquisitely complex high-performance atomic clocks: PHARAO and the Space Hydrogen Maser.

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Posts: 131433

Alain Charmeau, CEO of Astrium Space Transportation, Michael Menking, Director of Orbital Systems at Astrium Space Transportation  and Simonetta di Pippo, ESA Director for Human Space Flight, have signed  a Euro 35M contract for the full development of the Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space (ACES) for the International Space Station (ISS). This contract follows on from several years of pre-development under the prime contractorship of Astrium.
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Posts: 131433

Atomic space clock to test laws of physics
In 2013 scientists will send an extremely accurate atomic clock into orbit on the International Space Station (ISS). But without a matching clock in Australia, there'll be a big gap in gaining crucial data, an expert warns.
The Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space (ACES) is a European Space Agency (ESA) mission that will test fundamental laws of physics by matching atomic clocks orbiting under microgravity conditions with similar clocks on Earth.

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Posts: 131433

Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space is a project led by the European Space Agency which will place an ultra-stable atomic clock on the International Space Station.

The fact that time can be measured very precisely - far better than any other physical parameter - is a technological asset of great importance. This is the essence of ACES, which will test a new generation of atomic clock in space.
One of the most exciting microgravity physics experiments ever conceived, ACES is accredited with the highest scientific merit. ACES will test a new generation of microgravity cold-atom clock in space. PHARAO (Projet d'Horloge Atomique par Refroidissement d'Atomes en Orbite) and the Space Hydrogen Maser (SHM) will be characterised and compared with each other and national frequency standards worldwide using a dedicated microwave link. The ultimate performance of PHARAO in microgravity will be explored and a number of fundamental physics experiments will be performed.

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