Orbital elements: P/2002 FA9 = 2010 F2 (LINEAR) Epoch 2010 Mar. 25.0 TT = JDT 2455280.5 T 2010 Mar. 21.63480 TT MPC q 2.7483175 (2000.0) P Q n 0.12299585 Peri. 333.71424 -0.99730219 -0.03585411 a 4.0044458 Node 204.48696 +0.05158005 -0.96315164 e 0.3136834 Incl. 8.88993 -0.05222881 -0.26655842 P 8.01
An asteroid, 2002 FA9, was discovered by the LINEAR survey telescope on 12th January 2002. However, observations made by R. McNaught (Siding Spring Survey) on the 20th March 2010, showed it to be a comet. The Orbit of comet P/2002 FA9 = 2010 F2 (LINEAR) indicates a perihelion passage on the 21st March, 2010, at a distance of approximately 2.74 from the Sun, and a 8.01 year orbital period.