The Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw has started works on developing a geological penetrator CHOMIK (Polish word for hamster), intended for the Russian space mission Phobos Sample Return. The return spacecraft will reach the Earth in mid 2014 with a soil sample collected by the penetrator on the Phobos surface. A unique geological penetrator dedicated for the Phobos Sample Return space mission will be designed and manufactured at the Space Mechatronics and Robotics Laboratory, Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences (SRC PAS) in Warsaw. One of the most important goals of the mission is to collect a soil sample from Martian moon Phobos, and deliver it to Earth. The sample will be collected from the surface of the moon by the Polish penetrator and deposited in a container that is planned to land in 2014 in Kazakhstan, encased in the Russian re-entry capsule. Read more (Polish)