Comet 30P/Reinmuth makes its closest approach to the Earth (1.769 AU) on the 15th April 2018.
Comet 30P/Reinmuth 1 is at Opposition (3.718 AU) in the constellation Aquarius on the 13th September 2015.
Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase Mag 2015 09 10 23 35 29.6 -11 13 26 3.7278 4.7264 171.5 1.8 2015 09 11 23 34 52.9 -11 18 05 3.7243 4.7233 171.9 1.7 2015 09 12 23 34 15.9 -11 22 42 3.7211 4.7202 172.1 1.7 2015 09 13 23 33 38.8 -11 27 17 3.7183 4.7171 172.1 1.7 2015 09 14 23 33 01.6 -11 31 50 3.7157 4.7140 172.0 1.7 2015 09 15 23 32 24.3 -11 36 21 3.7134 4.7110 171.7 1.8 2015 09 16 23 31 46.9 -11 40 49 3.7115 4.7079 171.2 1.9 2015 09 17 23 31 09.4 -11 45 15 3.7098 4.7048 170.7 2.0 2015 09 18 23 30 32.0 -11 49 39 3.7085 4.7016 170.1 2.1 2015 09 19 23 29 54.5 -11 53 59 3.7075 4.6985 169.3 2.3 2015 09 20 23 29 17.1 -11 58 16 3.7068 4.6954 168.5 2.4 2015 09 21 23 28 39.7 -12 02 31 3.7064 4.6923 167.7 2.6 2015 09 22 23 28 02.4 -12 06 41 3.7063 4.6892 166.8 2.8 2015 09 23 23 27 25.3 -12 10 49 3.7065 4.6860 165.8 3.0 2015 09 24 23 26 48.2 -12 14 52 3.7070 4.6829 164.9 3.2 2015 09 25 23 26 11.4 -12 18 52 3.7078 4.6797 163.9 3.4 2015 09 26 23 25 34.7 -12 22 48 3.7088 4.6766 162.9 3.6 2015 09 27 23 24 58.2 -12 26 39 3.7102 4.6734 161.9 3.8 2015 09 28 23 24 22.0 -12 30 27 3.7119 4.6703 160.9 4.0 2015 09 29 23 23 46.1 -12 34 10 3.7139 4.6671 159.8 4.2 2015 09 30 23 23 10.4 -12 37 48 3.7162 4.6639 158.8 4.5
Comet 30P/Reinmuth, also known as Comet Reinmuth 1, is a periodic comet in the solar system, first discovered by Karl Reinmuth (Landessternwarte Heidelberg-Königstuhl, Germany) on February 22, 1928.