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TOPIC: Comet 215P/NEAT


Posts: 131433
RE: Comet 215P/NEAT

Comet 215P/NEAT is at Opposition (4.224 AU) on the 2nd February 2015.


Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r    Elong.  Phase   Mag
2015 02 01    09 16 33.1 +27 56 48   4.2239  5.1927   168.4     2.2  21.3
2015 02 02    09 15 56.0 +27 59 54   4.2237  5.1928   168.4     2.2  21.3
2015 02 03    09 15 18.8 +28 02 56   4.2238  5.1930   168.4     2.2  21.3
2015 02 04    09 14 41.6 +28 05 55   4.2242  5.1931   168.3     2.2  21.3
2015 02 05    09 14 04.3 +28 08 50   4.2249  5.1932   168.0     2.3  21.3
2015 02 06    09 13 27.0 +28 11 41   4.2259  5.1933   167.6     2.3  21.3
2015 02 07    09 12 49.6 +28 14 28   4.2272  5.1934   167.2     2.4  21.3
2015 02 08    09 12 12.3 +28 17 12   4.2289  5.1935   166.6     2.5  21.3
2015 02 09    09 11 35.1 +28 19 51   4.2308  5.1936   166.0     2.6  21.3
2015 02 10    09 10 57.9 +28 22 26   4.2331  5.1937   165.3     2.8  21.3
2015 02 11    09 10 20.8 +28 24 57   4.2357  5.1938   164.6     2.9  21.3
2015 02 12    09 09 43.9 +28 27 24   4.2386  5.1939   163.8     3.0  21.3
2015 02 13    09 09 07.1 +28 29 46   4.2418  5.1940   163.0     3.2  21.3
2015 02 14    09 08 30.6 +28 32 04   4.2453  5.1941   162.2     3.3  21.3
2015 02 15    09 07 54.2 +28 34 17   4.2491  5.1942   161.3     3.5  21.3
2015 02 16    09 07 18.1 +28 36 25   4.2532  5.1942   160.4     3.7  21.3
2015 02 17    09 06 42.3 +28 38 28   4.2576  5.1943   159.5     3.8  21.3
2015 02 18    09 06 06.7 +28 40 27   4.2623  5.1944   158.5     4.0  21.3
2015 02 19    09 05 31.5 +28 42 21   4.2673  5.1945   157.5     4.2  21.3
2015 02 20    09 04 56.7 +28 44 10   4.2726  5.1946   156.6     4.3  21.3
2015 02 21    09 04 22.2 +28 45 54   4.2781  5.1946   155.6     4.5  21.3
2015 02 22    09 03 48.1 +28 47 33   4.2840  5.1947   154.6     4.7  21.3
2015 02 23    09 03 14.5 +28 49 07   4.2902  5.1948   153.6     4.9  21.3
2015 02 24    09 02 41.3 +28 50 36   4.2966  5.1948   152.6     5.0  21.3
2015 02 25    09 02 08.6 +28 52 00   4.3033  5.1949   151.5     5.2  21.3
2015 02 26    09 01 36.4 +28 53 18   4.3103  5.1950   150.5     5.4  21.3
2015 02 27    09 01 04.8 +28 54 32   4.3175  5.1950   149.5     5.6  21.3
2015 02 28    09 00 33.6 +28 55 41   4.3251  5.1951   148.5     5.7  21.3



Posts: 131433

Comet 215P/NEAT is at Opposition (3.996 AU) on the 3rd January 2014



Posts: 131433

Comet 215P/NEAT makes its closest approach to the Earth (2.783 AU) on the 8th October, 2011.



Posts: 131433

Comet 215P/NEAT is at perihelion (3.213 AU) on the 8th June, 2010.



Posts: 131433

Orbital Elements
Epoch 2010 June 13.0 TT = JDT 2455360.5
T 2010 June 8.0402 TT MPC
q 3.213379 (2000.0) P Q
n 0.1221768 Peri. 222.4528 +0.4516237 +0.8660974
a 4.022323 Node 75.4410 -0.7475850 +0.4984241
e 0.201113 Incl. 12.7900 -0.4869834 +0.0380624
P 8.07

Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase   Mag

2010 06 03 21 12.14 -27 08.5 2.592 3.213 119.3 16.0 18.1
2010 06 08 21 13.28 -27 31.2 2.536 3.213 123.8 15.2 18.1
2010 06 13 21 13.88 -27 56.2 2.482 3.213 128.4 14.3 18.0
2010 06 18 21 13.94 -28 23.5 2.433 3.214 133.1 13.4 18.0
2010 06 23 21 13.45 -28 52.6 2.388 3.214 137.8 12.3 18.0
2010 06 28 21 12.41 -29 23.2 2.348 3.215 142.5 11.1 17.9

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