Orbital elements:
2010 KZ39
Epoch 2011 Aug. 27.0 TT = JDT 2455800.5 MPC
M 274.36721 (2000.0) P Q
n 0.00318010 Peri. 300.35664 +0.92301907 +0.15329313
a 45.7974999 Node 53.21941 +0.09707584 +0.79474496
e 0.1456537 Incl. 26.14268 -0.37230644 +0.58726626
P 310 H 3.9 G 0.15 U 6
On June 8, the Minor Planet Centre announced the discovery of the Trans-Neptunian Object 2010 KZ39 located some 46 AU from the Sun. The unusual feature of the announcement was the brightness of the object at 20th magnitude making it to be around 700 ħa few hundred kilometres across. The last time an object of this size or larger was discovered was in 2007, namely the two large TNOs, 2007 OR10 and 2007 UK126. The present object was found relatively close to the opposition point in images taken on May 21 and May 23 by A. Udalski, S. S. Sheppard, M. Szymanski and C. Trujillo of Las Campanas Observatory using a 1.3-meter telescope. They carried out follow-up on June 5 so that an orbit could be calculated. 2010 KZ39 is currently at a declination of -29 degrees in the constellation of Scorpius. Read more
Orbital elements: 2010 KZ39 Epoch 2010 May 24.0 TT = JDT 2455340.5 MPC M 0.00981 (2000.0) P Q n 0.00311696 Peri. 196.98611 -0.36748789 +0.86380063 a 46.4139367 Node 52.85695 -0.79512977 -0.09957482 e 0.0034515 Incl. 25.61966 -0.48241196 -0.49389607 P 316 H 3.9 G 0.15 From 8 observations 2010 May 21-June 5.