Atul Felix Payapily, a Keralite, has just added his name to the list of 300 star students who have found an asteroid (rocky and metallic objects that orbit the sun but are too small to be considered planets) as part of an international campaign launched by International Astronomical Search Collaboration (IASC), Hardin-Simmons Unive-rsity, Texas. Read more
An engineering student of Karunya University here has discovered an asteroid, along with his Chinese friend. A communication was received by the University from International Asteroid Search Collaboration stating that Atul Felix Payapilly and his friend Zhang from China have discovered the 'Main belt Asteroid 2010 RR52,' during the recently concluded 45-day campaign conducted by IASC. Read more
Kovai boy finds new asteroid, gets international recognition
Searching for asteroids was his favourite pastime ever since Atul Felix Payapilly came across an article on them in internet two years ago. An engineering student with Karunya Institute of Technology here, Atul started devoting all his free time to focus on the subject. A promising young talent in the field of asteroids, he has a made a rare discovery recently, that prompted Hardin-Simmons University in Abilene, Texas, to honour him. Read more