Who killed the hill fort nine? Mystery find shakes our iron age assumptions
Fond hopes that ancient Britain enjoyed a golden age of peace before Roman and other invasions have been shaken by a gruesome discovery in a Derbyshire hill fort's defensive ditch. For the first time in the UK, archaeologists have found carelessly-buried iron age skeletons which suggest a selective massacre of women and children. The tumble of scattered bones has come as a surprise to those taking part in one of the biggest community digs in recent British archaeology. Read more
Mass burial suggests massacre at Iron Age hill fort
Archaeologists have found evidence of a massacre linked to Iron Age warfare at a hill fort in Derbyshire. A burial site contained only women and children - the first segregated burial of this kind from Iron Age Britain. Nine skeletons were discovered in a section of ditch around the fort at Fin Cop in the Peak District. Read more
The Peak District National Park is the second most visited national park in the world, and is home to some of the most imposing, and yet little-known prehistoric enclosures in Britain; Fin Cop hillfort overlooking Monsal Dale is one such monument. Longstone Local History Group (LLHG) made a successful bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund to record and excavate the hillfort, trained and assisted by Archaeological Research Services Ltd (ARS Ltd). Desk-based assessment, geophysical survey and an in-depth topographic survey were undertaken as the initial phases of the project, ensuring that a rounded understanding of the site could be arrived at. Read more
Iron Age Mass Grave -- The Sacking of Fin Cop Fort?