Title: Gravity Darkening in Binary Stars Authors: Francisco Espinosa Lara, Michel Rieutord
Context. Interpretation of light curves of many types of binary stars requires the inclusion of the (cor)relation between surface brightness and local effective gravity. Until recently, this correlation has always been modelled by a power law relating the flux or the effective temperature and the effective gravity, namely T_eff {\alpha} g_eff^{\beta}. Aims. We look for a simple model that can describe the variations of the flux at the surface of stars belonging to a binary system. Methods. This model assumes that the energy flux is a divergence-free vector anti-parallel to the effective gravity. The effective gravity is computed from the Roche model. Results. After explaining in a simple manner the old result of Lucy (1967), which says that {\beta}=0.08 for solar type stars, we first argue that one-dimensional models should no longer be used to evaluate gravity darkening laws. We compute the correlation between log T_eff and log g_eff using a new approach that is valid for synchronous, weakly magnetized, weakly irradiated binaries. We show that this correlation is approximately linear, validating the use of a power law relation between effective temperature and effective gravity as a first approximation. We further show that the exponent {\beta} of this power law is a slowly varying function, which we tabulate, of the mass ratio of the binary star and the Roche lobe filling factor of the stars of the system. The exponent {\beta} remains mostly in the interval (0.20, 0.25) if extreme mass ratios are eliminated. Conclusions. For binary stars that are synchronous, weakly magnetised and weakly irradiated, the gravity darkening exponent is well constrained and may be removed from the free parameters of the models.
Zoom-up star photos poke holes in century-old astronomical theory
The hottest stars in the universe spin so fast that they get a bit squished at their poles and dimmer around their middle. The 90-year-old theory that predicts the extent of this "gravity darkening" phenomenon has major flaws, according to a new study led by University of Michigan astronomers. The von Zeipel law, named for its creator, Swedish astronomer Edvard Hugo von Zeipel, has been used for the better part of a century to predict the difference in surface gravity, brightness and temperature between a rapidly rotating star's poles and its equator. Using a technique called interferometry the researchers essentially zoomed in to take close-up pictures and measurements of the winter star Regulus. It's the brightest star in the constellation Leonis and if it were spinning just a few percent faster, it would fly apart. Read more