The dwarf nova TW Virginis is in outburst.Date: 16th January, 2012Magnitude range: 11.2 - 16.4 V Period: 32 daysSatellite period: 0.18267 daysType: UGSSPosition(2000): RA=11 45 21.16 | Dec=-04° 26' 05.6"
The dwarf nova TW Virginis is in outburst.Date: 1st June, 2011Magnitude range: 11.2 - 16.4 V Period: 32 daysSatellite period: 0.18267 daysType: UGSSPosition(2000): RA=11 45 21.16 | Dec=-04°26'05.6"
The dwarf nova TW Virginis is in outburst.Date: 22nd April 2011Magnitude range: 11.2 - 16.4 V Period: 32 daysSatellite period: 0.18267 daysType: UGSSPosition(2000): RA=11 45 21.16, DE=-04°26;05.6"