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Posts: 131433
RE: IceHunters

View from the Summit: Hunting for KBOs at the Top of the World

I'd like to tell you a bit about our recent Kuiper Belt object search observing run on the Subaru telescope on Mauna Kea Observatory in Hawaii, one of a dozen or so KBO search runs we're doing this year. But first, I want to thank everyone who's helping out with the crucial task of sorting through our terabytes of data for those elusive KBOs, using the Ice Hunters site! It's amazing the effort people are putting into this, and I hope we can all reap the rewards sometime in the coming decade, when we get mankind's first look at one of the typical members of the Kuiper Belt.
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Posts: 131433

Volunteer Star Gazers Needed for NASA Mission

A team from Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville has developed the website IceHunters, which challenges the public to discover potential destinations for a NASA mission at the very edge of the solar system set to happen around 2015.
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Posts: 131433

Citizen Scientists: Discover a New Horizons Flyby Target

The world is invited to help discover a potential new, icy follow-on destination for NASA's New Horizons spacecraft, using the Ice Hunters website. New Horizons is currently en route to make the first flyby of the Pluto system, and is then capable of exploring additional bodies still farther out in the Kuiper Belt.
Through this citizen science project, the public can help scientists search through specially-obtained telescopic images for currently unknown objects in the Kuiper Belt. Along the way, they will also discover variable stars and asteroids. Ice Hunters is a Zooniverse citizen science project.

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Posts: 131433

With your help we will find the final target of the New Horizons Mission.
This NASA probe is on a journey that will take it past Pluto and on to icy bodies in the outer edges of this solar system.

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Ed ~ This is future news

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