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Posts: 131433
RE: Beer

 4 Pines beer takes campaign to outer space

A new campaign for boutique beer company 4Pines Brewing Company takes one of its drinks to outer space in a series of animated ads. The campaign, created by JayGrey, includes TV, outdoor and radio and promotes the product as the first beer to be designed and tested for consumption in zero gravity.
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Ed ~ In space the sense of taste is diminished



Posts: 131433

4600-yr-old pub found at historic site in Scotland

A historic site in northern Scotland may have served as an Iron Age boozer - the oldest to be ever found in Britain, researchers say.
Experts believe that 4600 years ago, thirsty natives enjoyed a pie and pint at Jarlshof in Shetland near Sumburgh Head.
And a dozen or so quernstones - for grinding barley - indicate it may have served as both a drinking den and a bakery.

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Posts: 131433

Iron-Age brewing evidence found in southeastern France

Archaeologists have uncovered evidence that the occupants of southeastern France were brewing beer during the Iron Age, some 2,500 years ago.
A paper in Human Ecology outlines the discovery of barley grains that had been sprouted in a process known as malting; an oven found nearby may have been used to regulate the process.

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