Burnwell Pike County, Kentucky, USA Fell 1990 September 4, 15:45 EDT (19:45 UT) Ordinary chondrite (type 4) A 1.504 kg stone fell through the porch of Arthur and Frances Pegg, frightening a goat and a horse, and was recovered the next day. Classification and mineralogy (T. McCoy, R. Ash, E. Jarosewich and S. Russell, SI): olivine, Fa15.8; pyroxene Fs13.4; Co in kamacite, 0.35 wt%; Fe-Ni metal, 19.75 wt%; shock stage S3; O isotopes, d17O = +0.48 permil; chondrule sizes similar to H chondrites; many properties are similar to Willaroy; see Russell et al., 1998. Specimens: all at SI. Source