The Italian Meteor and TLE Network are a good place to report your observations to; they run a network of observation sites...and record many many meteors and fireballs.
L'IMTN (ITALIAN METEOR and TLE NETWORK) è una rete di sorveglianza NAZIONALE di studio dei fenomeni dell'alta atmosfera, in genere localizzati tra i 20 e i 120 km di quota, rispetto alla superficie terrestre. Read more
I don't know what really i've seen with my parents, 3 hours ago. We've seen two lighting object passing from the skyline till my roof (but very high in the sky), slowly passing, quite like an airplane (but it wasn't an airplane, and not even a falling star...) and gradually dissolving. Maybe some rubble(?) of the satellite are still in the atmosphere? I live in the south of Italy, and i've seen clearly two glow object in the sky at 21:33.
Ed ~ Chinese lanterns?
No, it was too high in the sky, to be chinese lanterns, or kites. They look like two hang gliders, but flaming... The direction was from the sout-east, to the north-west. I really don't know what they was, and it's not a joke. I'm serious, and i'd just like to know if it is possible, before report the matter to someone... (I actually don't know what is the appropriate authority, in this case...)