Title: On the Bur Gheluai H5 chondrite and other meteorites with complex exposure histories Author: S. K. Vogt, D. Aylmer, G. F. Herzog, R. Wieler, P. Signer, P. Pellas, C. Fieni,C. Tuniz, A. J. T. Jull, D. Fink, J. Klein, R. Middleton
Isotopic concentrations and track densities measured in 13 samples of the Bur Gheluai meteorite fall are presented. Experimental methods are described and results are presented for isotopic ratios of noble gases and cosmogenic radionuclide contents. Evidence for complex irradiation is discussed and a model for two-stage exposure histories is presented. The duration of each irradiation stage and possible effects on isotope production rates are considered. Explanations are suggested for the discrepant Ne production rates.