Orbital elements:
2011 UB190 Earth MOID = 0.0661 AU
Epoch 2011 Aug. 27.0 TT = JDT 2455800.5 MPC
M 2.10042 (2000.0) P Q
n 0.69793197 Peri. 107.14743 +0.80489249 +0.57247727
a 1.2587147 Node 218.34052 -0.59339890 +0.77871218
e 0.2645146 Incl. 14.58997 +0.00508167 +0.25666536
P 1.41 H 24.2 G 0.15 U 7
The 40 - 90 metre wide asteroid 2011 UB190 made a close pass ( 0.1039 AU), travelling at 8.89 km/second, to the Earth-Moon system on the 19th October, 2011 @ 21:55 UT ±00:15.