Banzart , Tunisia Fell 1999 October 31, 18:45 to 19:00 local time Ordinary chondrite (H56) After a bright fireball was seen travelling from the southwest to the northeast, accompanied by multiple detonations, two meteorites were recovered by children near the village of Djoumine. At least five other pieces were recovered at a later time within a 4 km long strewn field, with the total mass being ~ 10 kg. Classification and mineralogy (A. Bischoff, Mün ; R. Bartoschewitz, Bart ): olivine, Fa18.7±0.7; pyroxene, Fs16.3±0.4Wo1.7±0.8; shock stage, S3; contains shock veins and light-colored clasts in a darker-colored matrix. Specimens: main masses with anonymous finders; 2 kg, Bart; 23 g, NHM; 12 g, Mün. Source