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Post Info TOPIC: E-Cat


Posts: 131433
RE: E-Cat

The Physics of why the e-Cat's Cold Fusion Claims Collapse

Briefly, here's what the e-Cat claims to do.
They start with nickel powder -- ordinary nickel as found on Earth -- and combine it with hydrogen gas under modest pressure. You will see claims that this is high pressure, but in the world of physics, the claimed 25 times our normal atmospheric pressure (or even 100 or 1000 times) isn't anything spectacular.
A sample of the claimed products of the reaction was made available, which contained some nickel powder, but about 10% of the sample was copper, claimed to be completely generated from an initial sample that was 100% nickel.

Right here, this very site claimed that these results were probably faked, and now we're going to show you the physics of why these claims are definitely untrue.

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Posts: 131433

Cold Fusion Experiment: Major Success or Complex Hoax?

A physicist in Italy claims to have demonstrated a new type of power plant that provides safe, cheap and virtually unlimited nuclear power to the world, without fossil fuels or radiation concerns.
The only hitch: Scientists say the method -- cold fusion -- is patently impossible. They say it defies the laws of physics.

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Posts: 131433

What to make of Andrea Rossi's apparent cold fusion success

The apparent success of Andrea Rossi's E-Cat cold fusion demonstration on  28 October is starting to send ripples into the mainstream press. So what new clues do we have to settle whether it's the  breakthrough of the century or the scam of the decade?
In the demonstration, overseen by engineers and technicians from Rossi's mysterious US customer, the device appeared to produce over 470 kilowatts of heat for several hours. The customer was evidently satisfied and paid for the device, though other scientists and journalists attending were not given close access to the test equipment.

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Posts: 131433

E-cat Sold Buyer Unknown

Andrea Rossi has announced that he has begun sales of what he calls 1 megawatt e-cat cold fusion units. The first was sold to the mysterious American buyer for whom he conducted the October 28, test in Bologna.
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Posts: 131433

The E-Cat in Politics

Most of the discussion surrounding Andrea Rossi's E-Cat has focused on the scientific aspects, and the future commercialisation of the technology. Sooner or later, however, if this device is indeed a new and improved source of energy it will be discussed in the political realm.
We've now seen a spate of articles from well known media sources introducing Andrea Rossi's energy catalyser to the public, and it's interesting that this is happening just as the United States 2012 campaign season begins to get into full swing.

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