FITdisk is a cataclysmic variable accretion disk simulator.
The program is a 3-D smoothed particle hydrodynamics code which simulates accretion disk formation and evolution in cataclysmic variables. It provides an easy to use graphical user interface as well as 3-D interactive graphics and runs under the WindowsXP operating system. The current version of the code has the following capabilities: computes the evolution of a CV accretion disk, visualizes results in real time, records and plays back simulations, and generates and plots pseudo light curves and associated power spectra.
FITDisk has its origins in a research code developed at Florida Tech and, apart from the addition of the GUI and OpenGLŪ based visualization, has been modified only slightly from its original form. Thus, it provides a unique opportunity for the non-specialist to use research-grade simulation software using readily available computer hardware and without requiring advanced programming skills.