Dyarrl Island New Ireland, Papua-New Guinea Fall 1933, January 31, 16:30 hrs Stony-iron mesosiderite (MES) Synonym(s): Djaul Island; New Ireland 3°S, 151° F. Source
Title: The Barea, Dyarrl Island, and Emery meteorites, and a review of the mesosiderites Author: BRIAN MASON and E. JAROSEWICH
Barea and Emery are typical mesosiderites, whereas Dyarrl Island ~ is unique in having the lowest metal content and the highest FeO/(FeO-L MgO) ratio of any meteorite of this class. Average pyroxene compositions have been determined for the individual mesosiderites, and show a sequcntial increase in FeSiO3 content, ranging from a mean of 2I mole % for Veramin to 45 mole % for Dyarrl Island. Steinbach may possibly be classed as a mesosiderite, since its mineralogy is identical except for the absence of plagioclase. Dalgaranga and Mt. Padbury may be a paired fall. The chemical and mineralogical composition of the silicate material of the mesosiderites is similar to, but not identical with the howardites; the overall range of composition is greater in the mesosiderites
Mesosiderites are a class of stonyiron meteorites consisting of about equal parts of metallic nickel-iron and silicate. They are breccias with an irregular texture; silicates and metal occur often in lumps or pebbles as well as in fine-grained intergrowths. The silicate part contains olivine, pyroxenes, and Ca-rich feldspar and is similar in composition to eucrites and diogenites. Read more