Title: The Great Meteor of 9th February, 1913 Authors: Monck, W. H. S.
In the Session of 1902-3 I laid before the Society in conjunction with the late Mr. Arthur Harvey, a catalogue of aerolites or meteors that had fallen to the earth in the solid state, and we both expressed our opinion that they came in recurring showers like ordinary meteors, though the richest meteor-showers seemed to be unproductive of aerolites, while much fainter ones were often accompanied by aerolites or fireballs. It was natural under the circumstances to refer to this catalogue in connection with the great meteor of 9th February, 1913, and I found there three actual stone falls on the 10th of February, one at Nanjemoy, Maryland, in 1825, another at Girgenti, Sicily, in 1853, and a third at Madrid, Spain, in 1896, besides which Mr. Harvey has in the supplemental list one at the Isle of Oleron. France, in 1875. There are, likewise, two falls on the l2th of February and two more on the 13th, one of the former pair being at Homestead, Iowa, in 1875, just two days after the fall at the Isle of Oleron, France.