Title: A retrospective of the GREGOR solar telescope in scientific literature Authors: C. Denker, O. von der Lühe, A. Feller, K. Arlt, H. Balthasar, S.-M. Bauer, N. Bello González, T. Berkefeld, P. Caligari, M. Collados, A. Fischer, T. Granzer, T. Hahn, C. Halbgewachs, F. Heidecke, A. Hofmann, T. Kentischer, M. Klvana, F. Kneer, A. Lagg, H. Nicklas, E. Popow, K.G. Puschmann, J. Rendtel, D. Schmidt, W. Schmidt, M. Sobotka, S.K. Solanki, D. Soltau, J. Staude, K.G. Strassmeier, R. Volkmer, T. Waldmann, E. Wiehr, A.D. Wittmann, M. Woche
In this review, we look back upon the literature, which had the GREGOR solar telescope project as its subject including science cases, telescope subsystems, and post-focus instruments. The articles date back to the year 2000, when the initial concepts for a new solar telescope on Tenerife were first presented at scientific meetings. This comprehensive bibliography contains literature until the year 2012, i.e., the final stages of commissioning and science verification. Taking stock of the various publications in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings also provides the "historical" context for the reference articles in this special issue of Astronomische Nachrichten/Astronomical Notes.
Title: The GREGOR solar telescope on Tenerife Authors: Wolfgang Schmidt, Oskar von der Lühe, Reiner Volkmer, Carsten Denker, Sami Solanki, Horst Balthasar, Nazaret Bello Gonzalez, Thomas Berkefeld, Manuel Collados, Axel Hofmann, Franz Kneer, Andreas Lagg, Klaus Puschmann, Dirk Schmidt, Michal Sobotka, Dirk Soltau, Klaus Strassmeier
2011 was a successful year for the GREGOR project. The telescope was finally completed in May with the installation of the 1.5-meter primary mirror. The installation of the first-light focal plane instruments was completed by the end of the year. At the same time, the preparations for the installation of the high-order adaptive optics were finished, its integration to the telescope is scheduled for early 2012. This paper describes the telescope and its instrumentation in their present first light configuration, and provides a brief overview of the science goals of GREGOR.