Name: AIOUN EL ATROUSS Place of fall: 40 km south of the town of Aioun el Atrouss, in the locality called Gounquel, SE. Mauritania. 16° 23'5 3"N., 9° 34'1 3"W. Date of fall: April 17, 1974. Class and type: Stone. Hypersthene achondrite. Number of individual specimens: Not reported. Total weight: Not reported. Circumstances of fall: A fireball was observed and a sonic boom was heard. Meteoritic material was recovered from three separate sites in sandy, desert terrain by tribesmen. Source
Title: Aioun EL Atrouss - A new hypersthene achondrite with eucritic inclusions Authors: Lomena, I. S. M., Toure, F., Gibson, E. K., Jr., Clanton, U. S., & Reid, A. M.
As Earth moves around the sun, it travels surrounded by a giant bubble created by its own magnetic fields, called the magnetosphere. As the magnetosphere ploughs through space, it sets up a standing bow wave or bow shock, much like that in front of a moving ship. Just in front of this bow wave lies a complex, turbulent system called the foreshock. Conditions in the foreshock change in response to solar particles streaming in from the sun, moving magnetic fields and a host of waves, some fast, some slow, sweeping through the region.