A mass of 5 or 6kg fell at Brient, in the valley of the Suvunduk, a tributary of the Ural river, but only 219g were preserved, E.L. Krinov, Astron. Zurnal, 1945, 22, p.303 (M.A.9-297), Katalog Meteoritov Akad. Nauk SSSR, Moskva, 1947, (M.A.10-511), L.A.Kulik, Meteoritika, 1941, 1, p.73 (M.A.9-294), M.H.Hey, Cat. Met., 1966, p.71. Analysis, M.I. Dyakonova and V.Y.Kharitonova (1961). Noble gas data compilation, L Schultz and H. Kruse L D.Heymann et al., GCA, 1968, 32, p.1241. Partial INAA, (1989): Read more