Title: The Stony Meteorite Krähenberg Authors: W. Kempe, O. Müller
The amphoterite chondrite Krähenberg (type LL5) shows remarkable inclusions of dark material. The boundaries between the light and the dark phase are well defined. In both phases the major constituents were analysed by standard chemical methods. The trace elements In, Ga, Ge, As, and Cs were determined by neutron activation analysis. Remarkable chemical differences do exist between the light and the dark portion. The composition of the light phase is characteristic of amphoterite chondrites - metallic iron 3.2%, metallic nickel 1.2%. On the contrary, the metal abundance in the dark portion is extremely low. The nickel concentration is 800 ppm.
The Crow Mountain meteorite, or also simply called the Krähenberger Meteorite "the crows Berger", fell in 1869 in the field of district municipality of Krahenberg down on the Sickingerhöhe in today's West County Palatinate (Rheinland-Pfalz). According to studies in the second half of the 20th Century is a 4.7 billion year old stone meteorite classed as chondrites because of trapped silicate melt spheres, or chondrules. On the iron content in olivine and according to its texture it is classified as a GL5 chondrite. Read more (German)