Title: A New CEMP-s RR Lyrae Star Authors: T. D. Kinman (1), W. Aoki (2), T. C. Beers (1), W.R. Brown (3) ((1) National Optical Astronomy Observatory, Tucson, AZ, USA, (2) National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (3) Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA)
We show that SDSS J170733.93+585059.7 (hereafter SDSS J1707+58), previously identified by Aoki and collaborators as a carbon-enhanced metal-poor star (with s-process-element enhancements; CEMP-s), on the assumption that it is a main-sequence turn-off star, is the RR Lyrae star VIII-14 identified by the Lick Astrograph Survey. Revised abundances for SDSS J1707+58 are [Fe/H] = -2.92, [C/Fe] = +2.79, and [Ba/Fe] = +2.83. It is thus one of the most metal-poor RR Lyrae stars known, and has more extreme [C/Fe] and [Ba/Fe] than the only other RR Lyrae star known to have a CEMP-s spectrum (TY Gru). Both stars are Oosterhoff II stars with prograde kinematics, in contrast to stars with [C/Fe] < +0.7, such as KP Cyg and UY CrB, which are disk stars. Twelve other RR Lyrae stars with [C/Fe] >= +0.7 are presented as CEMP candidates for further study.