Title: Burnham's Celestial Handbook: An Observer's Guide to the Universe Beyond the Solar System Author: Robert Burnham
This comprehensive coverage of the thousands of celestial objects outside our solar system. The objects are grouped according to constellation, and their definitions feature names, coordinates, classification, and physical description, along with hundreds of visual aids. -- Dover Pubns
Volume I of the three-volume work covers Andromeda to Cetus.
Volume II of the three-volume work ontains entries from Chamaeleon to Orion.
Volume III of the three-volume work concludes the listings with Pavo to Vulpecula. 225 photos.
Dover Pubns
Publication Date:
This three volume is a 'must have' for any deepsky observer. The information contained is both accurate and convenient to use at the eyepiece, armchair, or poolside table.
The rub, is that it's not cheap; costing around £60 for all three books.