Title: A Double Planetary System around the Evolved Intermediate-Mass Star HD 4732 Authors: Bun'ei Sato, Masashi Omiya, Robert A. Wittenmyer, Hiroki Harakawa, Makiko Nagasawa, Hideyuki Izumiura, Eiji Kambe, Yoichi Takeda, Michitoshi Yoshida, Yoichi Itoh, Hiroyasu Ando, Eiichiro Kokubo, Shigeru Ida
We report the detection of a double planetary system orbiting around the evolved intermediate-mass star HD 4732 from precise Doppler measurements at Okayama Astrophysical Observatory (OAO) and Anglo-Australian Observatory (AAO). The star is a K0 subgiant with a mass of 1.7 solar masses and solar metallicity. The planetary system is composed of two giant planets with minimum mass of msini=2.4 Jupiter masses, orbital period of 360.2 d and 2732 d, and eccentricity of 0.13 and 0.23, respectively. Based on dynamical stability analysis for the system, we set the upper limit on the mass of the planets to be about 28 Jupiter masses (i>5 deg) in the case of coplanar prograde configuration.